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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1744
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2024 .17 .7464
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 17،
number In Volume 10،
issue Number 104
Examining the mind and language of Faizi Decani (based on his divan)
Rahime Rivaz , Mohammad Amir Mashhadi (Author in Charge), Abdul Ali Oveisi
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Poetry is a fusion of thoughts and imagery. A poet"s thoughts flow through his/her language and manifest in the form of poetry. Language and thought share an inseparable bond. A poet"s language is shaped by his/her thoughts and perspectives; the simpler and clearer his/her thoughts, the clearer his/her language will be, distancing itself from complex interpretations and concepts. Sheikh AbulFaiz bin Mubārak, known by the pen name of "FaiziFayāzi" and recognized as "FaiziDakani", is a renowned Persian poet of the 10th century of Hijri following the Indian style. His poetic art, expressive style, exceptional talent, and delightful verses have garnered praise from biographers and experts.
METHODOLOGY: This research, employing an analytical and descriptive approach, aimed to address the following question: What are the primary characteristics of the Divan of FaiziDakani from the perspective of language and thought?
FINDINGS: According to the research findings, FaiziDakani was a pioneering poet of the Indian style and had played a significant role in its formation and evolution. While his poetic language was adorned with allusions, similes, and metaphors, he had particularly emphasized the use of allusions among all literary devices. Many features of the Indian style, which later became popular and common, were stylistically present in his poetry. The predominant poetic form in Faizi"s Divan was the sonnet. Love, mysticism, preaching, admonition, and pursuit of unusual meanings were the primary intellectual themes of his poems.
CONCLUSION: The proximity of his poetry to colloquial language, as well as incorporation and utilization of slang words and expressions, isthe key characteristics of his poetic language. Faizi has adeptly utilized the capabilities of the Persian language to create new combinations, thereby generating fresh meanings and images. From a literary perspective, he has employed similes, metaphors, and allusions more frequently than other literary devices. Love, mysticism, guidance, wisdom, attention to educational literature, and exploration of moral issues are the recurring themes in Faizi"s poetry.
, Indian style
, theming
, mind
, language
, thought.
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